How to measure

Measuring your wall is easier than it seems! Follow this guide to learn how to measure your wall and ensure that your measurements are accurate.

General Measuring Instructions

To measure your wall, use a measuring tape to find the widest width and the tallest height. Make sure to measure only the wall itself, excluding features like skirting boards or coving. When providing your measurements, there is no need to add extra space for trimming or safety; we’ll include the appropriate amount of excess paper based on the dimensions you provide.


Standard Wall

For a standard wall, measure the full width and height of the wall. It’s important to double-check your measurements to ensure accuracy. Since walls can sometimes vary slightly in size, take measurements at multiple points along the wall. Always use the largest width and height to ensure a proper fit.


Sloped Wall

If your wall has a sloped ceiling, measure the longest part of the wall for both the width and height. Ignore the slope entirely, as we will provide the wallpaper as a full rectangle. During installation, the excess wallpaper can be trimmed to fit the slope precisely.


Suspended Wall

For walls with suspended ceilings or features, measure the longest width and the tallest height of the wall, disregarding the suspended area. The wallpaper will still be delivered as a complete rectangle, allowing you to trim it during installation for a perfect fit.


Obstacle Wall

If your wall includes obstacles like doors or windows, measure the longest width and tallest height of the wall, ignoring the obstacles themselves. These features will simply be cut away during installation. If you want to ensure that important elements of the wallpaper design won’t be obscured by obstacles, you can send us a blueprint or sketch of your wall. We’ll adjust the design to suit your layout.


Multi-Wall Installation

When installing wallpaper across multiple walls, measure the tallest height of all the walls and combine the widths of each wall. You can place your order as if the walls are one continuous surface, without separating the measurements. To ensure that corners do not disrupt the design, you can share a blueprint or sketch with us. We’ll align the design to seamlessly fit your space.